Level 2 - Exercise Increased Caution: Be aware of heightened risks to safety and security. Conditions in other countries may differ from those in the United States and may change at any time. There is some risk in any international travel. Level 1 - Exercise Normal Precautions: This is the lowest advisory level for safety and security risk. The Travel Advisory appears at the top of each country page, with a color corresponding to each level: Click on our color-coded world map at for a global view. To see a complete list of Travel Advisories for every country in the world, see /traveladvisories. citizens should take to help ensure their safety. Travel Advisories apply up to four standard levels of advice, describe the risks, and provide clear actions U.S.

citizens find and use important security information. Travel Advisories follow a consistent format and use plain language to help U.S.

We issue a Travel Advisory for each country of the world.