And give the students activity! They really don’t do anything while in club hours, just stand there. Add student lunches, and maybe a seat for the player. I am happy that teachers are now more active, as they didn’t do much at all before. Maybe have them interact with each other? This goes for teachers too.

While you can interact with them, it’s very minimal. The students themselves are very robot like, only moving to class and lunch. Maybe give them something to do? And maybe get students to visit the stores and stuff during lunch ours and after school. Just make them wear the same school uniforms as everyone else! I like the addition of the clerks and store managers, but they don’t really do much either, just stand there. Maybe create more classrooms so that they can have classes and be programmed as normal students? Also, their outfits are kind of odd. They just stand there and you can’t do much other than kill them or join their club. The hair style collection is nice as well. I love the use of the models from Unity Assets.